What Are the Best Cycling Tips?
The best cycling tips will vary according to who is consulted about cycling, so the rider himself will have to determine which cycling tips are valuable and which are less helpful. It is important, however, to talk to experienced cyclists to find out the best riding techniques, the best equipment to buy, and the best maintenance advice one can find. If the cyclist is new to the sport, he or she may want to try meeting up with a beginner's bike ride that leaves from a local bike shop, not only to meet other riders, but also to pick up on new riding techniques and information.
It is a good idea to visit a local bike shop. This is perhaps the most important of all cycling tips one can find. The local bike shop is a great place to get educated about the best cycling equipment, the best local rides, local riding routes, and so on. A new cyclist is likely to meet people at the shop who will want to ride regularly, and if the new cyclist is interested in racing, he or she can meet up with experienced racers at the bike shop who can share a wealth of cycling tips to help the new cyclist into the world of racing.
Do not get discouraged at the start. Cycling is a fun and exciting hobby, but it is also a difficult one. Pedaling long distances can be tiring and hard on the body, especially if that body is not used to such strain. Start with shorter, easier rides and progress from there. Another one of the more important cycling tips, however, is for the new cyclist to ride with other cyclists above his or her ability level. Riding with more advanced riders will push the new cyclist beyond his or her comfort level, and it will give the new cyclist an opportunity to examine the habits and techniques of seasoned riders.
Invest in good equipment. This is perhaps one of the cycling tips that will have the biggest impact on the new cyclist's enjoyment level. Entry level bicycles are great for short, easy rides, but if the new cyclist intends to race or to advance to a higher level of riding, he or she will need to invest in good equipment that will make the process of cycling easier, more fun, and less costly in the long run, as lower end bikes will tend to break down more quickly. Learning to work on bikes — at least learning the basics — can help the new cyclist preserve and protect his investment.
Source Article : wisegeek.com
1 ความคิดเห็น:
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