How to Ride Over a Log

Mountain bike

How to Ride Over a Log

It’s common to come across fallen trees and other obstacles while mountain biking. Instead of riding around a log the next time you’re out on the trail, try to ride over it! First, look for the smallest part of the log to cross. Many times you’ll come across a log that has a cutout, as shown here. If this is the case, aim your front tire directly at the opening.

 The Approach

As you approach the log, slow your speed. Stand up slightly over your saddle with your knees flexed. Time your pedal stroke so that your dominant foot is forward as you may need to continue pedaling to propel yourself over the obstacle. Your weight should be shifted onto the balls of your feet, and the log should be perpendicular to the frame of your bike. Hitting the log at an angle will cause your tire to skid sideways across the log.

Up and Over

Just before you come into contact with the log, compress your body by bending your arms and pushing down towards your handlebars. Almost instantly, push your body upright and pull up on your handlebars. The rebound from your front shock and tire will help you lift the weight of your bike onto the log. Make sure your feet are flat as you begin to go up and over the log.

 Over and Out

Once your front tire is over the log, shift your weight towards the front of your bike. If you are secured to your pedals with cleats or toe cages, pull your feet up slightly as you pedal. This will lift your rear tire up and over the log. If you are riding with flat pedals, simply continue your pedal stroke to propel your rear tire over the obstacle.
Master It:
  • Keep your feet flat and pedals level just before you reach the log.
  • Bend your knees to keep your balance and remain agile.
  • Don't hit your brakes! It's easier to continue over an obstacle than to stop midway and find footing from a precarious position.
  • Keep your momentum. Lean forward once your wheel touches down on the other side of the log to avoid falling over.

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